Optimum Processor

Superior Secure Payment Processing Solutions

CardSecure is a secure payment processing solution within Optimum Payments and Bolt's framework, shielding each credit card transaction and thwarting the detrimental repercussions of potential data breaches.

CardSecure = Data tokenization + P2PE Solution

Patented Data Tokenization Tools

Tokenization involves substituting valuable information with irreversible tokens, rendering them worthless to hackers even in the event of a network breach.

PCI-Validated Point to Point Encryption

The P2PE system safeguards each transaction by encrypting credit card data from the point of sale and throughout its entire journey.

Keeping your business and customer data safe with secure card processing is an important responsibility.

CardSecure can help you take on that responsibility.

As per a year-to-year analysis conducted and disclosed by Gemalto, there was a staggering 133 percent surge in compromised records in 2018.

These breaches frequently culminate in payment fraud, giving rise to a host of unfavorable outcomes such as personal financial losses, penalties, legal expenses, and even eroded consumer trust.

While data breaches remain an ongoing concern, the implementation of CardSecure’s PCI-compliant payment processing offers a viable means to shield your business and customers from the fallout.

CardSecure is one of the best PCI Compliant Payment Solutions for Businesses

In response to the escalating incidence of data breaches, the PCI SSC has established a comprehensive framework of regulations referred to as the Data Security Standards (DSS). CardSecure not only ensures data security but also streamlines PCI compliance for businesses that might grapple with secure payment processing challenges.

Alongside our real-time data safeguarding, our PCI compliance and credit card support encompass regular assessments of your payment ecosystem to ensure alignment with the most current data security benchmarks. Our secure card processing solutions encompass tokenization, point-to-point encryption, and other measures meticulously designed to fortify your expanding business against the encroachment of fraud.

Manage your PCI Compliance status with Optimum Payments, our easy-to-use payments portal.

Effortlessly oversee your PCI compliance status through Optimum Payments, a user-friendly portal tailored for payment management. Navigating the realm of PCI compliance can be daunting, but platforms like Optimum Payments simplify the task of maintaining vigilance.

Embedded within Optimum Payments are resources that seamlessly walk you through the steps of assessing your PCI compliance, ensuring the security of your business and customer data.

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